FLD-( 2024 25)
Field Visit - 24/12/2024
FLD- Demonstration of Integrated Crop Management (ICM) in Banana var. Nendran in Kollam District.( 2024-2025)
Area of Cultivation: 0.7 acre (Crop stage 4.5 months )
Scientist in Charge - Dr.Saroj Kumar V.
FLD-( 2024 25)
Demonstration on Goat Kid starter for Malabari Goat kids
Assessment of body weight of 2 month old Malabari kids
Scientist in charge - Dr.Parvathy S.
Input distribution to Shri. Jacob Thomas , Edamulackal, Anchal and Shri. Prince Viswanathan, Kadavur Kollam. FLD: Demonstration of open field precision farming in vegetables.
FLD- Popularization of KAU fodder variety “Susthira” by convergence mode in Kollam district for profitable dairy farming( Animal Husbandry( 2024-2025)
Supply of the KAU fodder variety Susthira through the distribution of 5,000 stem slips to selected dairy farmers
Location: Kareepra, Ezhukone Kollam District
• Area of Cultivation: 1 acre
• Target Beneficiaries: Selected dairy farmers from Department of Dairy Development
Team Members:
Dr. Parvathy S. Assistant Professor (Animal Husbandry)
Smt. Neeraja C.R Assistant Professor ( Agronomy)
Smt. Jincy Joy , Dairy Extension Officer (Kottarakkara Block)
Front Line Demonstration
Front Line Demonstration on Cage culture fin fish in open brackishwater creeks.
Scientist in Charge: Dr. Bindu Podikunju and Sri. Joy S J
Demonstration on Integrated Crop Management in banana- planting @ GANDHIBHAVAN Pathanapuram.
Date: 25/07/2024
FLD on “Demonstration on Integrated Crop Management in Banana Var. Nendran in Kollam district (2024-25)” among the banana growers in Kollam.
Scientist in Charge : Dr. saroj Kumar V (Horticulture)
FLD on "Demonstration of UAV for foliar application in paddy"( Pottasium Nitrate Spray for improved grain filling)
SMS in charge: Dr.Bindu Podikunju,Assistant Professor (Extension) Dr.Lekha M, Assistant Professor (Entomology)
Field visit on 18-01-2024 East Kallada
FLD 23-24 Demonstration of foliar application of Nano Urea in sesamum
SMS in charge: Neeraja C R, Assistant Professor (Agronomy)
Field Visit - 18/1/2024 (Sasthamcotta)
FLD- Demonstration of Value addition of Goat manure by Effective microorganism (EM)composting method for Goats
Comparison of goat manure enrichment with EM Solution Tricoderma and Powdered composted Goat Manure
Scientist - Dr.Parvathy S. ( Animal Husbandry)
Field Visit -18/1/2024( East Kallada)
20/1/2024 (Mampuzha)
FLD - Demonstration on Growth performance of Gramasree male Cockerel as Broiler source in Kollam District (2023-24)
Body weight assessment - 10 th week ( 75 days)
Scientist - Dr.Parvathy S. (Animal Husbandry)
FLD on Integrated Fish and Duck Farming-Field visit-09/01/2024-@Munroe Island
Scientist:Dr.Bindu Podikunju (Agrl Extension), Dr.Parrvathy S (Animal Husbandry)
Field visit - 20/12/2023 East Kallada
FLD- 2023-2024 - Demonstration of production performance in commercial layer hens by dietary supplementation of Panchagavya.
Scientist -Dr.Parvathy S. (Animal Husbandry)
Distribution of Panchagava liquid prepared from Central Tuber Crops Research Institute (CTCRI )
Field Visit -23/11/2023( East Kallada,Mampuzha)
FLD - Demonstration on Growth performance of Gramasree male Cockerel as Broiler source in Kollam District (2023-24)
Body weight assessment - 3 rd week (21 days)
Dr.Parvathy S. (Animal Husbandry)
FLD 2023-24 Demonstration of Cassava Micronol for correction of nutrient deficiency SMS in charge: Neeraja C R (Agronomy) Field visit: 15-11-2023
Three months after planting
crop- Cassava
FLD - Popularization of Bajra Napier KAU fodder variety Susthira for production performance in Dairy cattle (2023-24)
Field Visit- Dr.Parvathy S. (Animal Husbandry)
( Popularization of Susthira Fodder in Pattazhy Vadakkekara Panchayat.
Area of Cultivation - 1 acre
Field visit on progress of FLD entitled “Demonstration on Integrated Crop Management ib Banana Var. Nendran in Kollam district”.
Dr. Saroj Kumar V
Asst. Prof. (Horticulture) KVK, Kollam
Date: 08.09.2023
FLD 2023-24- Application of CTCRI certified Micronol cassava for the correction of nutrient deficiency
Smt.Neeraja .C.R
Assistant professor ,Agronomy
KVK Kollam
Front Line Demonstrations
Two thousand four hundred and ninteen demonstrations of 135 technologies were conducted during the period of 1997-2016. The technologies demonstrated on the farmer’s field were proven technologies suitable for the region. The crops included for the demonstrations were paddy, banana, perennial crops such as coconut, mango, pepper and vegetables such as amaranthus, cowpea, bitter gourd, bhindi, chilli etc.
FLDs 2023-24:
Sl.no | Crop/ Enterprise | Title of FLD | No.of Demo. |
1 |
Cassava |
Demonstration of CTCRI certified Micronol Cassava special for the correction of nutrient deficiency in cassava. (SAC Recommendation) |
10 |
2 | Sesamum |
foliar application of N fertilizers in sesame |
10 |
3 | Brinjal | Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) variety Kashi Taru | 6 |
4 | Gladiolus | Gladiolus (Gladiolus hybridus hort)variety Arka Aayush | 6 |
5 | Bachelor's button | Bachelor's button (Gomphrena globosa L.) variety AGS-3 | 6 |
6 | Banana Var. Nendran | Integrated Crop Management in Banana Var. Nendranin | 7 |
7 | Cassava | of cassava mosaic disease resistant variety | 7 |
8 |
Yard long bean |
Cashew Nut Shell Liquid based botanical pesticide against sucking pest management of yard long | 7 |
9 | Paddy | UAV for foliar application in paddy | 5 |
10 | Pulses | UAV for fertiliser application in pulses | 5 |
11 |
Aquaculture |
ICAR CIFA CIFAX as a precautionary water quality management probiotic | 5 |
12 |
Aquaculture |
Cage culture fin fish in open brackishwater creeks (SAC recommendation) |
1 |
13 |
Aquaculture |
Integrated Fish-Duck farming (SAC recommendation |
1 |
14 |
Goat |
Value addition of Goat manure by Effective microorganism (EM)composting method for Goat Farmers | 6 |
15 | Poultry | Growth performance of Gramapriya male Cockerel as Broiler source | 5 |
16 |
Poultry |
production performance in commercial layer hens by dietary supplementation of Panchagavya. | 4 |
17 | Dairy |
Popularization of Bajra Napier KAU fodder variety Susthira for production performance in Dairy cattle (SAC recommendation) |
5 |
total | 96 |