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Capacity building programme

Coconut leaf craft training @ KVK Kollam

1. Decorative Crafts

Flower Garlands – Strip the coconut leaves into thin pieces and weave them into floral shapes.

Wall Hangings – Cut and fold leaves into symmetrical patterns and attach them to a frame.

Ornaments & Baskets – Weave coconut leaves in a crisscross pattern to form decorative baskets.

2. Functional Crafts

Hats & Caps – Interweave fresh coconut leaves into a circular hat shape.

Hand Fans – Fold the leaves into a wide pattern and secure the base with a bamboo stick.

Storage Baskets – Use a square or round weaving technique to make sturdy containers.

3. Toys & Kids' Crafts

Coconut Leaf Fish – Fold leaves into a fish shape using simple weaving techniques.

Grasshoppers & Birds – Shape and tie coconut strips to resemble insects or birds.

Whistles – Roll the stiff midrib into a tight curl to produce sound when blown.

4. Festival & Ritual Crafts

Temple Decorations – Cut leaves into artistic shapes and string them into garlands.

Torans (Door Hangings) – Weave long leaf strips into a braided form and hang them.

Wedding Arch Decorations – Bind multiple coconut leaves onto a bamboo frame.

5. Agricultural & Utility Crafts

Fencing Material – Weave dried coconut leaves into strong fence panels.

Bird & Animal Feeders – Make small, hanging coconut leaf pouches to hold food.

Handmade Brushes – Use the midrib of leaves to create stiff bristles for sweeping.

Capacity Building Programme

Capacity development programme for Cashew growers on "Scientific cultivation practices for Cashewnut" at Konni. Pathanathitta district, Kerala. The programme was inaugurated by Smt. M.V Ambili, President, Block panchayat. The programme was sponsored by Kerala State Agency for the expansion of Cashew Cultivation

Date: 21.12.2024

No of participant: 40

Scientist In charge: Dr.Saroj Kumar V., Asst. Prof. (Horticulture)

Capacity Building Programme

Capacity development programme for flower growers of Kollam district on Scientific management practices for cut and loose flower crops at Extension Training Centers (ETC) functioning under the Rural Development Department at Kottarakara.

Date: 11.12.2024 AND 12.12.2024

No of participant: 40

Scientist In charge: Dr.Saroj Kumar V., Asst. Prof. (Horticulture)

Capacity Building Programme

Capacity development programme for Cashew growers on Scientific cultivation practices for Cashew at Kadakkal farmers producers company, Kadakkal. The programme was inaugurated by Smt. J. Chinchurani, Hon. Minister for Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development. The programme was sponsored by Kerala State Agency for the expansion of Cashew Cultivation

Date: 10.12.2024

No of participant: 40

Scientist In charge: Dr.Saroj Kumar V., Asst. Prof. (Horticulture)

Capacity Building Programme

Capacity development programme for farmers on Plant propagation techniques in fruits and ornamental crops at Regional Agricultural Technology Training Centre, Kazhakuttom,Thiruvananthapuram.

Incharge: Dr. Saroj Kumar V. , Asst. Prof. (Horticulture).

Date: 18/11/2024

Capacity Building Programme

Capacity Development Program on Scientific fruit crop production for farmers at Farmer's Training Centre, Pandalam.

Date : 11/11/2024

Scientist in charge: Dr .Saroj Kumar V ( Horticulture)

Capacity Building Programme

Capacity Building Programme on Plant propagation techniques for fruit crops to Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) Staffs of Kollam district at Krishi Vigyan Kendra Kollam.

Number of participant: 40

Scientist in charge: Dr. Saroj Kumar V. (Horticulture)

TSP -Programme

Empowering Tribal Communities with Value Addition Techniques for Horticulture Crops

Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) Kollam, as a key resource partner, participated in a one-day capacity-building programme on value addition and income generation activities for horticulture crops. Organized by ATMA-Pathanamthitta under the TSP initiative, the event was held at the Govt. LPS Auditorium, Aruvappuram, and brought together 36 participants from the tribal settlements of Aavanippara, Kokkathodu, and Kakkathipara in Konni block.

KVK Kollam Scientists Dr. Bindu Podikunju (Agricultural Extension) , Smt Shamsiya A H ( Home science), Local representatives, ward members, and the Krishi Officer were present to support this initiative, which aimed to uplift the tribal population through income-generating activities.

Smt. Shamsiya AH (Community Science) from KVK Kollam led hands-on training sessions on creating value-added products from banana and jackfruit, along with methods for waste utilization to enhance income. Dr. Bindhu Podilkunnju (Agricultural Extension Education) also graced the event, emphasizing the importance of such initiatives for improving the livelihoods of tribal communities by equipping participants with the skills to transform their horticultural produce into profitable ventures.

This initiative was designed to enhance the skills of the tribal population, enabling them to generate additional income through value-added horticultural products while promoting sustainable and profitable agricultural practices.

TSP -Programme

Exploring the potential of under exploited horticultural crop to tackle the human animal conflicts in the tribal hamlets of Kollam district.

Implementing hamlet: Achenkovil

No of participating farmers: 30

Scientist involved

Dr. Binisam

Dr. Bindu Podikunju

Dr. Lekha M

Smt. Shamsiya A.H.

Dr. Parvathy S

Dr. Saroj Kumar V.

Smt. Neeraja C.R.

SCSP (2024-2025)

Enhancing Homestead Horticulture: Promoting container -Grown Banana Var. Grand Nain in Anchal Block, Kollam District, Kerala.

Scientists in Charge: Dr.Bini Sam, Dr. Bindu Podikunju, Dr. Lekha M, Smt. Shamsiya A H, Dr. Parvathy S, Dr. Saroj Kumar ,Smt. Neeraja C R

Capacity development programme

Capacity development programme for farmers on “Organic farming techniques for vegetable cultivation” sponsored by Regional Centre for Organic and Natural Farming, Bangalore (GOI) in collaboration with Department of Agriculture and farmer's welfare (GOK) at Office of the Assistant Director of Agriculture, Varkala, Thiruvananthapuram.

Date: 25.09.2024

Scientist Incharge: Dr. Saroj Kumar V. (Horticulture)

Number of participant: 89


Awareness programme

Training on Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Vegetables to VFPCK farmers of Veliyam Vipani as part of their bonus distribution.

Scientist in Charge: Dr. Lekha M (Plant protection)

Awareness programme

Agricultural Knowledge centre (AKC) Chavara - ICM in Coconut - Awareness programme and input distribution.

Scientist in charge and AKC Nodal officer : Dr Lekha M

Date: 02/09/2024

Capacity development programme

" Nutrient management in medicinal and aromatic plants , special reference to Kolinji."

Date: 07.9.24

Krishi bhavan: Aruvapulam

Participants: 25

Scientist-in-charge : Dr.Saroj Kumar V, Asst. Prof ( Horticulture)

Capacity development programme

Capacity development programme on Integrated Crop Management in Coconut at AKC, Chavara as part of World Coconut Day 2024

Date 2/09/2024

Scientist : Dr. Lekha M (Plant protection)

Capacity development programme

Capacity development programme for Jasmine growers under SCSP at Oachira grampanchayat.

Date: 03/09/2024

Scientist_In_charge: Dr.Saroj Kumar V , Asst.Prof (Horticulture)

Public awareness Programme on 14/08/2024 at Pattazhy.

Titled - “ Carbon Neutrality through Resilient Measures in Agriculture and Animal Husbandry ”

Aim - To popularize the concept of Carbon neutrality and Climate resilient Agriculture & Animal Husbandry

No of Participants – 86

Scientist in Charge: Dr Parvathy S. ( Animal Husbandry) & Smt Neeraja CR ( Agronomy)

Training covers aspects under

 Dietary and Management practices in Dairy cattle

 Promoting the use of Biogas for handling livestock manure gas

 Use of organic fertilizers and pesticides

 Promotion of Tree fodders

Public awareness programme for School students @ GVHSS Kanakari.

Date - 27.7.2024

Topic on - Prevention and Control of Leptospirosis (എലിപ്പനി) during Monsoon season

Scientist- Dr. Parvathy S.( Animal Husbandry)

Total Participants- 200

Capacity development programme

Capacity development programme for farmers on scientific cultivation practices of coconut at Kulasekharapuram panchayat, Oachira Block, Kollam.

Date: 18.07.24

Number of participant 54

Scientist involved:

Dr. Lekha M., Asst. Prof (Entomology). KVK Kollam

Dr. Saroj Kumar V., Asst. Prof (Horticulture) KVK Kollam

Capacity building Programme

Date: 12/07/2024

Capacity Building Programme at the Vettikavala ADA Office focusing on value-added products, packaging, labeling, and branding. This event was designed for extension functionaries, FPO members, SHGs, and small entrepreneur groups.

Scientist-in-charge: Smt.Shamsiya H ( Assistant Professor Community Science).

Capacity building Programme

Date 27/ 6/2024

Title - Reproductive management of Goats.

Scientist - Dr. Parvathy S. Assistant Professor (Animal Husbandry).

Place- Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) Centre for Human Resource Development , Kollam.

Capacity building Programme

KVK scientist Smt. Shamsiya AH delivered an engaging seminar titled "Processing and Value Addition Prospects of Mushroom" at PAM View Convention Centre, Anchal on 28/06/2024, coinciding with the state-level inauguration of Mushroom Village by Hon. Minister for farmers welfare and Agriculture, Sri P. Prasad. The event underscored the significant role of mushrooms in agriculture, emphasizing their potential to boost productivity and economic prosperity.

Date: 28/06/2024


Training on Cool season vegetable cultivation @ ADA office,Chathanoor (10/11/2023)

Capacity building on Organic Farming to the students of Rama Vilasam Teacher's Training College ,Valakom on 01/02/2023