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Agro Advisories

Agromet Advisory Bullettin


Agromet Advisory Bullettin


Agromet Advisory Bullettin


Agromet Advisory Bullettin


Agromet Advisory Bullettin


Kollam District Extra Ordinary Bulletin - dtd:11.11.2021
DAMU (District Agromet Unit )KVK Kollam

Agromet Advisory Bullettin



Agromet Advisory Bullettin








General Advisory

Soil samples should be collected before the onset of pre monsoon rains for analysis. Liming is essential as most of our soils are very strongly to strongly acidic in nature. Lime can be applied as per soil test data or general recommendation of Kerala Agricultural University (Package of Practices of Crops). Sowing of seeds after 10-15 days lime application is recommended.

For Kharif crops like rice, pulses and intercrop in garden lands, land preparation and sowing should be completed before the onset of heavy rain. Nursery should be raised before the monsoon showers for transplanted rice.

Planting of coconut seedlings can be taken up with the onset of pre monsoon rains. In loamy soils with low water table, pits of 1x1x1 m, in laterite soils with underlying rocks 1.2 x 1.2 x1.2 m and in sandy soils 0.75 x 0.75 x 0.75 m are to be taken. Seed nuts can be sown with onset of SW monsoon for nursery. Select nursery sites with well drained and light textured soil without too much shade. Prepare beds of 1.5 m width and of convenient length with 75 cm between beds.

Planting of vegetables like brinjal, chilly, cowpea etc. can be taken up during this period. As a prophylactic measure, treat the seeds/ seedlings with pseudomonas and application of trichoderma enriched manure is recommended in the basinsbefore planting.  To prevent damping off and root rotdiseases in vegetables, a prophylatic application of bordeux mixture 1% can be recommended.

In black pepper, planting of standards can be taken up with onset of pre monsoon showers. Erythrinaindica, Garugapinnata, Leucaenaleucocephala, Ailanthus sp. etc. are suitable standards for growing pepper. Application of lime at the rate of 500 g/vine can be done with the receipt of pre monsoon showers.

Specific crop Advisory

Field preparations for the first crop season areto be started.  Application of lime @600kg/ha or as per soil test data is recommended immediately after the receipt of one or two showers.For transplanted rice, nursery preparation can be done.For kharif season broadcasting is generally followed(seed rate @80-100 kg/ha). Seed treatment with Pseudomonas fluorescence  @10g/kg of seeds/litre is essential) for 12-16 hours. Application of broad spectrum herbicides like pretilachlor+bensulfuron methyl (Trade name-Londax power)@10 kg/ha at 0 - 6 days after sowing or  penoxulam (Granite )@104ml/ha 15-20 days after sowing  for the effective management of weeds.

Upland Rice

Field preparation is to be started. Lime application as per soil test data or lime @600kg/ha should be done. Stale seed bed is recommended for weed management as there will be severe weed problem or application of  broad spectrum herbicides like pretilachlor+bensulfuron methyl (Trade name-Londax power)@10 kg/ha  at 0 - 6 days after sowing or  penoxulam (Granite )@104ml/ha 15-20 days after sowing  for the effective management of weeds. Application of AMF is recommended at the time of dibbling of seeds.


Harvesting of pulses should be completed before the commencement of rain for timely drying of pods.

Pulses in the garden lands as inter crops

Immediately after the receipt of rains, lime can be applied @ 250kg/ha or as per soil test data. Field preparation can be started. Sowing should be completed before the commencement of rains. Seed inoculation with Rhizobium is recommended for effective nodulation @250 to 375 g/ha. Application of trichoderma enriched organic manures is better for preventing thesoil born pathogens. Use the inoculants for the specific pulse crop mentioned in the packet. Prophylactic application of neem based insecticide KVK raksha @ 6gm/lit against cowpea aphid Aphiscraccivora.


As the planting of vegetable for post covid is going on, for planting of cucurbits, application of ½ kg neem cake is recommended in the planting pits as a precautionary measure against the attack of pumpkin beetles. As a general recommendation to prevent the incidence of sucking pests, application of neem based pesticides like neemazal, nimbidine, neem soap, KAU Rakshaetc can be done at fortnightly interval and immediate application of entomopathogenicBeauveriabassiana and Lecanicilliumlecani after two days of application will yield good control of the sucking pests.

For planting of solanaceous vegetables, treat the seeds with Pseudomonas fluorescence10gm/kg seed or dip theseedlings with Pseudomonas fluorescence20gm/lit and usetrichoderma enriched manure as a substitute for cow dung.

Application of KAURaksha @ 6gm/lit or any neem based insecticides to ward off sucking pests. In severe cases apply imidacloprid 17.8 SL @ 3ml/10lit in the initial vegetative phase.


Seeds of green manure crops like Crotalaria juncea, Tephrosiapurpurea, Peurariaphaseoloidesetc.can be sown towards the periphery of basins taken at a radius of 2 m from the base of palm during May.Application of lime or dolomite can be done on the basin of coconut palm. For adult palm 1 kg of lime or dolomite can be applied.A premonsoon treatment application of bordeux mixture 1% as prophylactic measure against bud rot.To ward off the beetle pest, prophylactic application of chemical pesticides like Cartap hydrochloride or fipronil @ 20 gm with 200 gm can be applied on the leaf axil after proper crown cleaning.

Tuber crops


Application of fertilizers along with intercultivation and weeding (full dose of phosphorus and half dose of nitrogen and potassium (100:50:150 kg/ha N,P2O5 and K2O respectively). Growing of cowpea as inter crops for incorporation is recommended.


Land preparation can be done with the onset of monsoon. Liming should be done based on soil test value. Planting is to be done 10-15 days after lime application. Farm yard manure application @ 12.5 t/ha as basal is recommended. Apply 3g AMF at the time of planting.


In the field,plants at 4-5 month stage, apply precautionary application of crushed neem seed in the leaf axils.  Since the climate of intermittent rain and high temperature favor the fast spread of sigatoka disease, phytosanitation and prophylatic application of Pseudomonas fluorescence@ 20gm/lit spray on both sides of the leaves to protect from the incidence of disease. In severe cases, alternate sprays of bordeux mixture 1%, carbendazin 0.1 % and tilt 0.1 % can be recommended at fortnightly interval.

Ginger and Turmeric

As planting commences, treat the seed material with pseudomonas and application of trichoderma enriched manure is recommended in the beds.  In areas where rhizome maggot and scale infestation is severe , treat the seed rhizome in chlorpyriphos20 EC @ 2.5 ml/lit for 30 minutes.


Premonsoon application of bordeux mixture 1% in the existing vines against foot rot is recommended. Application of trichoderma enriched cow dung 1 kg/pit is highly effective.  




Agromet Advisory Bullettin














