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Training on Value Addition

ICAR-SC SP Capacity development programme on Nutritional significance and Value additional opportunities of Honey.

Scientist-in-Charge : Smt.Shamsiya, A.H. (Community Sciences).

Capacity building programme on "Processing and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables"

Place: KVK Kollam

Capacity building programme on "Processing and Value Addition of Fruits and Vegetables" was recently held at the KVK Agri-Processing Lab under the SC-SP initiative. The session was expertly handled by Smt. Shamsiya A.H., Community Scientist at KVK Kollam, who guided participants through various techniques to enhance the shelf life and market value of local produce. The training aimed to equip entrepreneurs with practical skills in fruit and vegetable processing, helping them to develop innovative products and improve their income streams through value addition.

Nurturing Entrepreneur.

Date: 22/07/2024

Place: KVK Kollam

The collaborative efforts of the KVK with an aspiring entrepreneur focused on developing a novel product, the plant based high protein health products. Goal was to create a revolutionary health and fitness supplement that catered to the increasing demand for nutritious and convenient snack options. This partnership aimed to deliver a standout product in the competitive market, promoting wellness and sustainability.

Scientist in Charge: Smt. Shamsiya A H (Home Science)




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Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Kerala Agricultural University
Sadananthapuram P.O
Kollam Kerala 691550